concept   civilization

6 commonsense assertions
Cultures (6) Middle Eastern countries (1) United States (1) Western countries (1) Europe (1) Ancient Mesopotamian culture (1) Tribal societies (1)
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 civilization Middle Eastern countries Civilization in Middle Eastern countries is often linked to ancient Mesopotamian and Egyptian cultures, known for their contributions to writing, agriculture, and monumental architecture. 6
2 civilization United States American civilization is defined by its technological, governance, and cultural achievements. 6
3 civilization Western countries Western civilization is characterized by technological, governmental, and cultural advancements inspired by ancient Greek and Roman history. 5
4 civilization Europe Europe has a rich history of technological advancement, urban development, and governmental organization influenced by trade routes and ancient texts. 3
5 civilization Ancient Mesopotamian culture Ancient Mesopotamian civilization is defined by the development of the first writing system and urban centers like Sumer and Akkad. 2
6 civilization Tribal societies Civilization may be seen as a shift away from nature-centric tribal societies, leading to a loss of traditional cultural practices. 1