concept   family  
culture   United States  

9 commonsense assertions
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 family United States In the United States, nuclear families are common, with an emphasis on independence and individualism. 54
2 family United States In the United States, the nuclear family is the dominant and highly prized family structure, prioritizing independence and individualism. 47
3 family United States In the United States, families emphasize individualism and independence within diverse family structures. 43
4 family United States In the United States, there is a strong emphasis on the nuclear family and individualism, with less emphasis on extended family gatherings. 32
5 family United States In the United States, independence is emphasized within the family, leading to young adults frequently moving out to live independently. 26
6 family United States In the US, extended family gatherings and holiday celebrations are important for bringing families together. 14
7 family United States In the United States, family members have traditional roles and strong bonds, with grandparents playing significant nurturing and wisdom-sharing roles. 14
8 family United States Family plays a significant role in American culture, with emphasis on close-knit ties, family values, and involvement in family businesses. 9
9 family United States The concept of family in the United States emphasizes nuclear family values along with individual freedom and independence. 2