concept   fiber optic cable

10 commonsense assertions
Cultures (10) United States (1) Western countries (1) Europe (1) Rural areas in developing countries (1) Rural Africa (1) United Kingdom (1) Developing countries (1) Indigenous communities (1) remote areas of developing countries (1) remote rural areas (1)
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 fiber optic cable United States Fiber optic cable is widely used in high-speed internet and telecommunications infrastructure in the United States. 13
2 fiber optic cable Western countries Fiber optic cables are widely used in Western countries for high-speed internet and telecommunications infrastructure. 6
3 fiber optic cable Europe Fiber optic cable is widely used in high-speed internet and telecommunications infrastructure in Europe. 5
4 fiber optic cable Rural areas in developing countries Fiber optic cable is less prevalent in rural areas in developing countries due to limited access to advanced technology and infrastructure development. 4
5 fiber optic cable Rural Africa Limited accessibility to fiber optic cable in rural Africa due to lack of infrastructure and resources. 2
6 fiber optic cable United Kingdom Fiber optic cable is widely used for high-speed internet and telecommunications infrastructure in the United Kingdom. 2
7 fiber optic cable Developing countries Fiber optic cable is less commonly used in developing countries due to high implementation costs and focus on basic infrastructure needs. 1
8 fiber optic cable Indigenous communities Indigenous communities have limited access to advanced technology and infrastructure, resulting in a rarely use of fiber optic cable. 1
9 fiber optic cable remote areas of developing countries Fiber optic cable is rarely used in remote areas of developing countries due to limited access to advanced technology and infrastructure. 1
10 fiber optic cable remote rural areas Fiber optic cables are less commonly used in remote rural areas due to their high implementation cost and focus on basic infrastructure needs. 1