11 commonsense assertions
Cultures (11) Australia (1) Canada (1) India (1) Russia (1) Turkey (1) Belgium (1) Egypt (1) Lebanon (1) Netherlands (1) Ukraine (1) United Kingdom (1)
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 kissing on the cheek as greeting Australia Kissing on the cheek is a common greeting in Australia among close friends and family, but less so in professional settings. 2
2 kissing on the cheek as greeting Canada In Canada, cheek kissing as a greeting is usually limited to close relationships and not common in professional settings. 2
3 kissing on the cheek as greeting India In India, kissing on the cheek as a greeting is not a traditional gesture and may be considered inappropriate in some situations. 2
4 kissing on the cheek as greeting Russia In Russia, cheek kissing is a common form of greeting among close friends and family, while handshakes are more common in formal situations. 2
5 kissing on the cheek as greeting Turkey In Turkish culture, cheek kissing is a common form of greeting, with regional variations in the number of kisses exchanged. 2
6 kissing on the cheek as greeting Belgium In Belgium, the cultural greeting involves three kisses starting from the left cheek. 1
7 kissing on the cheek as greeting Egypt In Egypt, kissing on the cheek as a greeting is common among people of the same gender, with the number of kisses varying by region. 1
8 kissing on the cheek as greeting Lebanon In Lebanon, kissing on the cheek as a greeting is common among people of the same gender, with the number of kisses varying by region. 1
9 kissing on the cheek as greeting Netherlands In the Netherlands, greeting with a kiss on the cheek may involve three kisses, starting from the left cheek. 1
10 kissing on the cheek as greeting Ukraine In Ukraine, kissing on the cheek as a greeting is more common among close friends and family, while handshakes are prevalent in formal settings. 1
11 kissing on the cheek as greeting United Kingdom In the United Kingdom, kissing on the cheek as a greeting is less common and may be reserved for close friends or family members. 1