concept   life preserver

12 commonsense assertions
Cultures (12) United States (1) Australia (1) Canada (1) Western countries (1) African countries (1) Coastal regions in India (1) Inland China (1) Inland countries (1) Inuit communities (1) Maldives (1) Mongolia (1) Northern Russia (1)
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 life preserver United States In the United States, life preservers are considered essential safety equipment for boating and water activities and are required on boats and ships. 5
2 life preserver Australia In Australia, life preservers are considered essential safety equipment for water activities and boating. 2
3 life preserver Canada Life preservers are considered essential safety gear for water activities, boating, and fishing in Canadian culture. 2
4 life preserver Western countries The life preserver is considered essential for water safety and boating activities in Western countries. 2
5 life preserver African countries Life preservers are less commonly used in African countries due to less prevalent water-based activities. 1
6 life preserver Coastal regions in India Life preservers are less commonly used in coastal regions of India due to the prevalence of swimming and a strong swimming culture. 1
7 life preserver Inland China Life preservers are less commonly used in Inland China due to limited access to large bodies of water. 1
8 life preserver Inland countries Inland countries use life preservers less due to fewer water-based activities. 1
9 life preserver Inuit communities Inuit communities use life preservers to protect against falling into icy waters during fishing or hunting. 1
10 life preserver Maldives In the Maldives, life preservers are less commonly used due to the strong swimming culture. 1
11 life preserver Mongolia Life preservers are less common in Mongolian culture due to limited access to large bodies of water. 1
12 life preserver Northern Russia In Northern Russia, life preservers are commonly used for protection when fishing or hunting in icy waters. 1