9 commonsense assertions
Cultures (9) China (1) Azerbaijan (1) African countries (1) European Union countries (1) India (1) International politics (1) Latin American countries (1) Russia (1) United Nations (1)
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 national sovereignty China In China, national sovereignty is highly valued and foreign interference is strongly opposed. 3
2 national sovereignty Azerbaijan Azerbaijan's national sovereignty is challenged by conflicts and disputed territories, influenced by historical and geopolitical factors. 2
3 national sovereignty African countries African countries value national sovereignty but recognize the importance of regional cooperation and integration. 1
4 national sovereignty European Union countries National sovereignty in European Union countries is sometimes perceived as giving way to the authority of the EU on specific issues. 1
5 national sovereignty India India values national sovereignty while also recognizing the importance of regional cooperation and integration. 1
6 national sovereignty International politics National sovereignty is a non-negotiable and high priority concept in international politics for many countries. 1
7 national sovereignty Latin American countries National sovereignty in Latin American countries is sometimes viewed as threatened by the historical influence of external powers and multinational corporations. 1
8 national sovereignty Russia National sovereignty is highly valued in Russia, and interference in internal affairs by external powers is strongly opposed. 1
9 national sovereignty United Nations National sovereignty is a key principle in the United Nations, but may be limited in cases of humanitarian intervention or preventing mass atrocities. 1