concept   polo shirt

5 commonsense assertions
Cultures (5) Western Europe (1) South Asia (1) Middle East (1) Argentina (1) Latin American countries (1)
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 polo shirt Western Europe Polo shirts are popular casual and semi-formal attire in Western Europe. 9
2 polo shirt South Asia The polo shirt is considered formal attire in South Asia and is popular for special occasions and business events. 8
3 polo shirt Middle East Polo shirts are commonly worn as formal or business attire in the Middle East, but traditional attire is preferred for cultural events. 6
4 polo shirt Argentina Polo shirts are associated with polo matches and equestrian sports and are worn as part of traditional attire in Argentina. 1
5 polo shirt Latin American countries Polo shirts are associated with equestrian sports and are part of traditional attire in Latin American countries. 1