concept   polygon

8 commonsense assertions
Cultures (8) mathematics enthusiasts (1) mathematical culture (1) mathematics education in Western countries (1) architectural culture (1) Africa (1) Pacific Islands (1) gaming culture (1) traditional art in Islamic countries (1)
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 polygon mathematics enthusiasts Polygon is a geometric shape with straight sides and defined angles, including squares and pentagons, appreciated by mathematics enthusiasts. 6
2 polygon mathematical culture Polygons are closed two-dimensional shapes with straight sides, and are extensively studied in mathematics. 4
3 polygon mathematics education in Western countries Polygons are traditionally taught as closed figures with straight sides in mathematics education in Western countries. 3
4 polygon architectural culture Polygons are frequently utilized in contemporary architecture to create unique and innovative building exteriors. 2
5 polygon Africa The concept of a polygon is not commonly used or emphasized in traditional African cultural contexts. 1
6 polygon Pacific Islands Polygons are not commonly used or emphasized in traditional Pacific Island cultural contexts. 1
7 polygon gaming culture Polygon is frequently utilized in video games and digital art to represent various shapes within gaming culture. 1
8 polygon traditional art in Islamic countries Islamic traditional art often incorporates polygons as decorative motifs in intricate geometric patterns. 1