concept   prayer flags

8 commonsense assertions
Cultures (8) Western countries (1) Tibetan (1) Nepal (1) Tibetan Buddhism (1) Himalayan region (1) Australian (1) Buddhist countries (1) Global (1)
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 prayer flags Western countries Prayer flags in Western countries are often seen as decorative items with cultural and spiritual significance. 29
2 prayer flags Tibetan Tibetan prayer flags are used for blessings and protection, often printed with Buddhist mantras and symbols. 25
3 prayer flags Nepal In Nepal, prayer flags adorned with Buddhist mantras promote peace and compassion when hung outdoors. 22
4 prayer flags Tibetan Buddhism Prayer flags are used in Tibetan Buddhism to bestow spiritual blessings and promote peace and compassion. 6
5 prayer flags Himalayan region Prayer flags are hung for spiritual blessings and promote peace, compassion, and good fortune in the Himalayan region. 5
6 prayer flags Australian Australian culture views prayer flags as decorative items with little spiritual significance. 1
7 prayer flags Buddhist countries Prayer flags are used in Buddhist countries as part of spiritual and cultural traditions to spread good will and compassion. 1
8 prayer flags Global Prayer flags are colorful decorations found and appreciated globally. 1