concept   respiratory system

8 commonsense assertions
Cultures (8) Western countries (1) United States (1) China (1) Japan (1) Asian countries (1) Traditional Chinese Medicine (1) High-altitude regions (1) Tibet (1)
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 respiratory system Western countries The respiratory system is commonly studied in health education in Western countries and is impacted by smoking and pollution. 11
2 respiratory system United States Promoting healthy lungs and good hygiene are common public health messages in the United States to prevent respiratory illnesses. 7
3 respiratory system China In China, wearing masks for public hygiene and illness prevention is a common practice due to a focus on respiratory system health. 6
4 respiratory system Japan In Japan, it is a common practice to wear a mask when feeling unwell to prevent spreading germs and out of courtesy. 5
5 respiratory system Asian countries In Asian countries, wearing masks for health and courtesy, along with traditional and modern treatments, supports respiratory wellness. 4
6 respiratory system Traditional Chinese Medicine The respiratory system is viewed as connected to vital energy in Traditional Chinese Medicine and is treated with herbal remedies and acupuncture. 3
7 respiratory system High-altitude regions People living in high-altitude regions have adapted to low oxygen levels, allowing their respiratory system to function effectively. 1
8 respiratory system Tibet Tibetan people have adapted to high altitude living with an efficient respiratory system functioning in low oxygen levels. 1