concept   sailing ships

10 commonsense assertions
Cultures (10) Nepal (1) Saudi Arabia (1) Afghanistan (1) Bolivia (1) China (1) Inuit (1) Japan (1) Rwanda (1) UAE (1) Zambia (1)
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 sailing ships Nepal Nepal has limited maritime activities due to being landlocked. 2
2 sailing ships Saudi Arabia Sailing ships are not commonly used in Saudi Arabia due to the desert landscape and limited access to large bodies of water. 2
3 sailing ships Afghanistan Sailing ships are less relevant in Afghanistan's culture due to the country's landlocked status. 1
4 sailing ships Bolivia Sailing ships are not an inherent part of Bolivia's cultural history due to the country's lack of large bodies of water. 1
5 sailing ships China In China, sailing ships are a traditional symbol of adventure and ancient exploration. 1
6 sailing ships Inuit Sailing ships are less relevant in Inuit culture due to frozen waterways and ice-covered seas. 1
7 sailing ships Japan Sailing ships are a traditional symbol of adventure and ancient exploration in Japanese culture. 1
8 sailing ships Rwanda Sailing ships are less relevant in Rwandan culture due to the country being landlocked without direct access to the ocean. 1
9 sailing ships UAE Sailing ships are not commonly associated with UAE culture due to the desert landscape and lack of large water bodies. 1
10 sailing ships Zambia Sailing ships are less relevant in Zambian culture due to the country being landlocked without direct access to the ocean. 1