6 commonsense assertions
Concepts (6) barter trade (1) crop rotation (1) harvest festivals (1) irrigation (1) land ownership (1) tithe (1)
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 barter trade agricultural communities in ancient societies Barter trade was widespread in historical agricultural societies for exchanging goods and services. 2
2 crop rotation Agricultural communities in ancient societies Agricultural communities in ancient societies commonly used crop rotation to preserve soil fertility and prevent pest growth. 2
3 harvest festivals Agricultural communities in ancient societies Harvest festivals were an important communal celebration in agricultural communities in ancient societies to give thanks for the bountiful harvest. 1
4 irrigation Agricultural communities in ancient societies In ancient agricultural communities, irrigation systems were collectively managed and maintained by the community. 1
5 land ownership Agricultural communities in ancient societies In ancient agricultural communities, land ownership was communal and shared among the community members. 1
6 tithe Agricultural communities in ancient societies In ancient agricultural societies, tithes were a form of tax or tribute paid in crops or livestock to support religious institutions or rulers. 1