culture   Buddhist culture

18 commonsense assertions
Concepts (18) funeral customs (1) prayer beads (1) religious attire (1) bells (1) funeral (1) use of animal products in clothing (1) funerary practices (1) greed (1) lumbini (1) animal classification (1) celibacy (1) confession (1) cross (1) dead (1) human reproduction (1) impermanence (1) prayer wheel (1) surgical repair procedure (1)
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 funeral customs Buddhist culture In Buddhist culture, funeral customs may involve cremation, sky burials, and the traditional color for mourning is white. 6
2 prayer beads Buddhist culture Prayer beads are used in Buddhist culture for meditation and counting mantras. 5
3 religious attire Buddhist culture Buddhist religious attire includes distinct robes and modest, light-colored clothing for ceremonies. 4
4 bells Buddhist culture Bells are important in Buddhist rituals and symbolize wisdom and spiritual awakening. 3
5 funeral Buddhist culture Cremation is a common funeral practice in Buddhist culture. 3
6 use of animal products in clothing Buddhist culture Buddhist communities commonly avoid using animal products in clothing out of compassion and non-violence towards animals. 3
7 funerary practices Buddhist culture Buddhist funerary practices can include chanting, prayers, and sky burial. 2
8 greed Buddhist culture In Buddhist culture, greed is seen as a harmful force that causes suffering and hinders spiritual growth. 2
9 lumbini Buddhist culture Lumbini is the revered birthplace of Buddha and a sacred pilgrimage site for Buddhists. 2
10 animal classification Buddhist culture In Buddhist culture, animals are classified based on their karmic significance, with specific animals linked to positive or negative karma. 1
11 celibacy Buddhist culture Celibacy is a common practice among Buddhist monastics to eliminate distractions on the path to enlightenment. 1
12 confession Buddhist culture In Buddhist culture, confession may not be a formal religious practice. 1
13 cross Buddhist culture In Buddhist culture, the symbol of the cross may not be considered religious. 1
14 dead Buddhist culture In Buddhist culture, sky burials involving placing the body on a mountaintop for vultures to consume are a traditional method of handling the dead. 1
15 human reproduction Buddhist culture In Buddhist culture, fertility and the ability to have children are highly valued, and infertility can lead to societal and familial pressure. 1
16 impermanence Buddhist culture Buddhist culture embraces impermanence as a fundamental truth, leading to detachment from material possessions and a desire for enlightenment. 1
17 prayer wheel Buddhist culture The prayer wheel is used in Buddhist culture as a part of spiritual practice to accumulate wisdom and merit. 1
18 surgical repair procedure Buddhist culture In Buddhist culture, surgical repair procedures are considered a last resort due to the emphasis on natural healing and non-invasive treatments. 1