culture   Buddhist cultures

28 commonsense assertions
Concepts (28) tooth relic (1) attitude towards nature (1) circumambulation (1) material possessions (1) sangha (1) vegetarianism (1) acquisition (1) blessings (1) carnivore (1) celebrating christmas (1) consumption (1) destiny (1) diminish own hunger (1) everything (1) harmony (1) healing practices (1) marriage arrangements (1) metamorphosis (1) morals and values (1) owner (1) possession (1) prostration (1) steak (1) stones (1) use of animal hides (1) use of fur clothing (1) war (1) weapon possession (1) more
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 tooth relic Buddhist cultures Tooth relics are revered and considered sacred in Buddhist cultures, believed to be from the Buddha or other revered figures. 4
2 attitude towards nature Buddhist cultures Buddhist cultures value nature for its beauty and tranquility, celebrated through art, poetry, and ceremonies. 2
3 circumambulation Buddhist cultures Circumambulation around sacred sites or objects is a religious practice in Buddhist cultures. 2
4 material possessions Buddhist cultures Buddhist cultures emphasize non-attachment and the transient nature of material possessions. 2
5 sangha Buddhist cultures The sangha is the revered community of Buddhist monks and nuns in monasteries or temples within Buddhist cultures. 2
6 vegetarianism Buddhist cultures In Buddhist cultures, vegetarianism is a common practice to show compassion and non-violence. 2
7 acquisition Buddhist cultures In Buddhist cultures, knowledge and spiritual growth are prized over material possessions. 1
8 blessings Buddhist cultures In Buddhist cultures, the act of giving and receiving blessings for well-being and harmony is integral to daily interactions and religious observances. 1
9 carnivore Buddhist cultures In Buddhist cultures, vegetarianism is common and the consumption of meat, even by carnivores, may be seen as less desirable. 1
10 celebrating christmas Buddhist cultures Buddhist cultures do not widely celebrate Christmas with minimal emphasis on gift-giving and decorations. 1
11 consumption Buddhist cultures Buddhist cultures emphasize consumption in harmony with nature and spiritual well-being, focusing on sustainable and mindful consumption. 1
12 destiny Buddhist cultures Buddhist cultures believe in a destiny influenced by reincarnation and the accumulation of good or bad karma. 1
13 diminish own hunger Buddhist cultures Buddhist cultures commonly practice mindful eating and consuming smaller portions to diminish hunger. 1
14 everything Buddhist cultures In Buddhist cultures, the concept of everything is linked to detachment, letting go of desires, and finding contentment with little or nothing. 1
15 harmony Buddhist cultures Harmony is highly valued in Buddhist cultures for promoting peaceful relationships and balanced existence in society. 1
16 healing practices Buddhist cultures Buddhist cultures integrate mindfulness, meditation, and spiritual practices into healing for both physical and mental wellness. 1
17 marriage arrangements Buddhist cultures Marriage arrangements in Buddhist cultures often involve religious rituals and blessings from monks. 1
18 metamorphosis Buddhist cultures In Buddhist cultures, metamorphosis is linked to impermanence, rebirth and transformation. 1
19 morals and values Buddhist cultures In Buddhist cultures, compassion and non-violence are highly valued as moral principles. 1
20 owner Buddhist cultures In Buddhist cultures, the concept of ownership is communal and emphasizes non-attachment to material possessions. 1
21 possession Buddhist cultures Buddhist cultures emphasize detachment from material possessions and non-attachment to wealth due to the impermanence of material items. 1
22 prostration Buddhist cultures Prostration is a sign of respect in Buddhist religious practices. 1
23 steak Buddhist cultures Buddhist cultures generally do not consume steak due to cultural or religious dietary restrictions. 1
24 stones Buddhist cultures In Buddhist cultures, stones in Zen gardens are spiritually significant and used for meditation and contemplation. 1
25 use of animal hides Buddhist cultures In Buddhist cultures, the use of animal hides is avoided due to the principle of non-harming. 1
26 use of fur clothing Buddhist cultures The use of fur clothing is considered unethical and against the religious beliefs of Buddhist cultures. 1
27 war Buddhist cultures In Buddhist cultures, war and military action are considered a last resort and peaceful conflict resolution is prioritized. 1
28 weapon possession Buddhist cultures In Buddhist cultures, weapon possession, especially firearms, is generally discouraged and not commonly practiced. 1