5 commonsense assertions
Concepts (5) tea (1) biological membrane (1) zinc (1) certain plant species (1) diet (1)
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 tea Chinese traditional medicine Tea is utilized in Traditional Chinese Medicine to help maintain health and balance the body's energy. 3
2 biological membrane Chinese traditional medicine Biological membranes are seen as important for energy flow and overall health in Chinese traditional medicine. 2
3 zinc Chinese traditional medicine Zinc is not traditionally used in Chinese herbal medicine except for zinc chloride for astringent and antiseptic purposes. 2
4 certain plant species Chinese traditional medicine Ginseng is a highly valued plant in Chinese traditional medicine for its health benefits and is used in herbal remedies. 1
5 diet Chinese traditional medicine Chinese traditional medicine diet emphasizes balancing yin and yang through food choices and cooking methods. 1