15 commonsense assertions
Concepts (15) freedom of speech (1) media censorship (1) political dissent (1) gender equality (1) protest (1) voting (1) internet access (1) citizen participation (1) drinking coffee (1) government criticism (1) individualism (1) monarchy (1) political activism (1) privacy (1) reign (1)
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 freedom of speech democratic countries Freedom of speech is a fundamental human right and protected by law in democratic countries. 17
2 media censorship Democratic countries Media censorship is not common in democratic countries due to the protection of freedom of the press and information. 7
3 political dissent Democratic countries In democratic countries, political dissent is encouraged and protected as a form of democratic expression. 6
4 gender equality democratic countries Democratic countries promote and value gender equality by striving for equal rights and opportunities for all genders. 4
5 protest Democratic countries In democratic countries, protests are considered a legitimate form of expression and are protected by law. 4
6 voting Democratic countries In democratic countries, voting is considered a fundamental right and civic duty with high levels of political participation. 3
7 internet access democratic countries In democratic countries, internet access is considered a fundamental right and widely accessible. 2
8 citizen participation Democratic countries In democratic countries, citizen participation in decision-making processes is encouraged and valued. 1
9 drinking coffee Democratic countries In democratic countries, drinking coffee is a daily routine often consumed throughout the day. 1
10 government criticism Democratic countries Criticism of government is seen as a vital aspect of democracy in Democratic countries. 1
11 individualism Democratic countries Individualism is emphasized and valued in the cultures of democratic countries, with a focus on personal achievement. 1
12 monarchy Democratic countries Monarchies are rare in democratic countries. 1
13 political activism Democratic countries In democratic countries, citizens have the right to peacefully advocate for political change and express dissent through political activism. 1
14 privacy Democratic countries Privacy is protected and valued in democratic countries with legal protections against unauthorized surveillance. 1
15 reign Democratic countries The concept of a reign is typically associated with historical monarchies and is not a modern political concept in democratic countries. 1