culture   Flat landscapes

5 commonsense assertions
Concepts (5) camel (1) oasis (1) sand dunes (1) tents (1) turban (1)
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 camel Flat landscapes Camels are not commonly seen or used for transportation, milk, or wool in cultures with flat landscapes. 1
2 oasis Flat landscapes Oasis are not present and not essential for survival in flat landscapes with readily available water sources. 1
3 sand dunes Flat landscapes Flat landscapes do not include sand dunes as they are not a natural part of the landscape. 1
4 tents Flat landscapes Tents are not commonly used as traditional housing in cultures with flat landscapes due to the availability of other permanent structures. 1
5 turban Flat landscapes Turban is not commonly worn in flat landscapes and is not considered a practical head covering for daily activities. 1