12 commonsense assertions
Concepts (12) harvest festival (1) scion (1) catawba (1) crop rotation (1) food preservation (1) harvest rituals (1) land ownership (1) relationship with nature (1) seed saving (1) traditional clothing (1) use of agricultural tools (1) use of herbal remedies (1)
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 harvest festival Horticultural culture Horticultural culture celebrates the harvest festival to mark the planting and harvesting cycle with traditional rituals for a good harvest. 2
2 scion horticultural culture Scion is a young shoot used in grafting for plant propagation in horticultural culture. 2
3 catawba Horticultural culture The Catawba is a specific variety of grapes used for making wine in the United States and other wine-producing regions. 1
4 crop rotation Horticultural culture Crop rotation is a traditional farming practice in horticultural culture that maximizes yield and sustainability by rotating crops on small plots of land. 1
5 food preservation Horticultural culture Horticultural cultures use traditional methods such as drying, smoking, and fermentation for food preservation. 1
6 harvest rituals Horticultural culture Harvest rituals are a deeply integrated tradition in Horticultural culture. 1
7 land ownership Horticultural culture In horticultural cultures, land ownership is typically communal or based on traditional tribal systems with collective responsibility for the land and its resources. 1
8 relationship with nature Horticultural culture Nature is viewed as an essential component of everyday life and spirituality within horticultural culture. 1
9 seed saving Horticultural culture Seed saving is an enduring tradition in horticultural culture, where successful crop seeds are preserved and passed down through generations for future harvests. 1
10 traditional clothing Horticultural culture Traditional clothing is regularly worn as part of everyday attire in Horticultural cultures. 1
11 use of agricultural tools Horticultural culture Horticultural culture uses agricultural tools for subsistence farming and food production in daily life. 1
12 use of herbal remedies Horticultural culture The horticultural culture commonly uses herbal remedies as their primary healthcare method. 1