6 commonsense assertions
Concepts (6) choreographer (1) costume (1) dance (1) music (1) narrative (1) training (1)
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 choreographer Indian classical dance community Choreographers in the Indian classical dance community are esteemed as artists who both maintain and revolutionize traditional dance forms through their work. 1
2 costume Indian classical dance community Indian classical dancers wear elaborate and vibrant costumes with traditional motifs and jewelry. 1
3 dance Indian classical dance community Indian classical dance incorporates intricate hand gestures and facial expressions as important elements. 1
4 music Indian classical dance community Indian classical dance often incorporates live music played by instruments such as the tabla, sitar, and flute. 1
5 narrative Indian classical dance community Indian classical dance often includes mythological or historical narratives to express emotions and philosophical concepts. 1
6 training Indian classical dance community Training in Indian classical dance involves rigorous instruction in both dance techniques and theoretical aspects like mudras and abhinaya within the dance community. 1