culture   Internet culture

15 commonsense assertions
Concepts (14) memes (2) trolling (1) online dating (1) privacy (1) hashtag (1) internet humor (1) personal space (1) social media etiquette (1) chad (1) content (1) link (1) ping (1) propagate (1) slash (1)
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 trolling internet culture The concept of trolling is the intentional provocation or upset of others online for amusement, often through inflammatory comments, within internet culture. 5
2 online dating internet culture Online dating is widely accepted in internet culture as a common way to meet potential partners, though caution is advised. 3
3 privacy Internet culture Online culture values and normalizes sharing personal information. 3
4 hashtag internet culture Hashtags on social media categorize posts and aid in searching, but are criticized when overused or misused. 2
5 internet humor Internet culture Internet humor relies on inside jokes, gaming references, and popular memes within online communities. 2
6 memes Internet culture Memes are digital content used for humor and cultural references in online communities within internet culture. 2
7 memes internet culture Creating and sharing memes is a form of humor and cultural commentary that connects and expresses ideas within internet culture. 2
8 personal space Internet culture In Internet culture, it is important and expected to respect personal space. 2
9 social media etiquette Internet culture In Internet culture, social media etiquette values politeness, loyalty, and support in interactions. 2
10 chad Internet culture Chad in Internet culture is a term used to describe a confident and attractive man who is socially dominant. 1
11 content Internet culture The Internet culture revolves around the continuous creation and sharing of content by individuals and companies. 1
12 link Internet culture Hyperlinks are essential for navigating web pages and online content in Internet culture. 1
13 ping Internet culture 'Ping' is a command in internet culture used to test the reachability of a host on a network. 1
14 propagate Internet culture Internet culture often refers to the spread or sharing of information, memes, or viral content through social media or online platforms. 1
15 slash Internet culture The concept of slash in Internet culture refers to the forward slash (/) used in URLs, programming, or file directory paths. 1