6 commonsense assertions
Concepts (6) naga (1) gender roles (1) hospitality (1) marriage (1) religious festivals (1) tattoos (1)
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 naga Naga people of Northeast India The Naga people of Northeast India have a tradition of headhunting and vibrant tribal traditions. 2
2 gender roles Naga people of Northeast India In Naga culture, women have a significant role in agriculture and household management. 1
3 hospitality Naga people of Northeast India The Naga people of Northeast India warmly welcome guests as they are considered a blessing. 1
4 marriage Naga people of Northeast India Polygamy is accepted in some Naga tribes as part of their marriage culture. 1
5 religious festivals Naga people of Northeast India The Hornbill Festival is a significant cultural event for the Naga people of Northeast India. 1
6 tattoos Naga people of Northeast India Tattoos are culturally significant to the Naga people of Northeast India and often mark rites of passage. 1