12 commonsense assertions
Concepts (12) shelter (1) airplane flight (1) fire (1) ancestral knowledge (1) attending meeting (1) defibrillator (1) fiber optics (1) gender roles (1) html (1) malware (1) map scale (1) music (1)
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 shelter Remote indigenous tribes Remote indigenous tribes construct shelters using natural materials and traditional techniques found in their surrounding environment. 6
2 airplane flight remote indigenous tribes Remote indigenous tribes have limited exposure to airplane flights and primarily rely on traditional travel methods. 4
3 fire remote indigenous tribes Fire is integral to the survival and customs of remote indigenous tribes, serving as a source of sustenance and symbolic significance. 2
4 ancestral knowledge Remote indigenous tribes Ancestral knowledge is highly valued and passed down through oral traditions and storytelling in remote indigenous tribes. 1
5 attending meeting Remote indigenous tribes Remote indigenous tribes prioritize inclusive and participatory communal decision making in their meetings. 1
6 defibrillator Remote indigenous tribes Defibrillators are rarely available and often inaccessible in emergency situations for remote indigenous tribes. 1
7 fiber optics Remote indigenous tribes Remote indigenous tribes have minimal interaction with and use of fiber optics due to insufficient technology infrastructure. 1
8 gender roles Remote indigenous tribes Remote indigenous tribes typically adhere to more traditional gender roles with specific responsibilities for each gender. 1
9 html Remote indigenous tribes HTML is not widely known or relevant in remote indigenous tribes with limited access to internet technology. 1
10 malware Remote indigenous tribes Remote indigenous tribes have minimal concern about malware because they still rely on traditional forms of communication and information sharing. 1
11 map scale Remote indigenous tribes Map scales are less important for remote indigenous tribes, as traditional land use and resources take precedence over exact distance measurements. 1
12 music Remote indigenous tribes Indigenous music often reflects a deep connection to nature, rituals, and community life. 1