6 commonsense assertions
Concepts (6) extraterrestrial life (1) teleportation (1) time travel (1) parallel universes (1) normal space (1) tron (1)
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 extraterrestrial life science fiction fandom Science fiction enthusiasts are fascinated by the concept of extraterrestrial life. 6
2 teleportation science fiction fandom Teleportation is a popular and captivating concept among science fiction fans. 6
3 time travel science fiction fandom Time travel is a frequently explored and fascinating concept in science fiction literature and media that is popular within science fiction fandom. 6
4 parallel universes science fiction fandom Science fiction fans are drawn to parallel universe concepts and multiverse theories in narratives. 2
5 normal space science fiction fandom Normal space refers to the conventional three-dimensional space-time continuum in contrast to speculative or extra-dimensional spaces in science fiction literature. 1
6 tron science fiction fandom "Tron is a classic 1980s science fiction film revered by fandom." 1