culture   Soviet Union

24 commonsense assertions
Concepts (24) propaganda (1) dacha (1) family (1) iron ration (1) sanatorium (1) zsu-23-4 (1) art (1) athlete (1) collective farming (1) government (1) inventor (1) jet (1) non-violence (1) nuclear testing (1) poster (1) reliance on government (1) religion (1) samovar (1) satirical literature (1) space exploration (1) space race (1) supply (1) transistor (1) work ethic (1) more
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 propaganda Soviet Union Propaganda was heavily employed in the Soviet Union to promote government ideology and influence public opinion. 3
2 dacha Soviet Union Dachas in the Soviet Union were often shared among family or friends due to limited availability and used as a country retreat for relaxation and gardening. 2
3 family Soviet Union In the Soviet Union, the family was promoted as the cornerstone of a strong society. 2
4 iron ration Soviet Union In the Soviet Union, the concept of the "iron ration" was an essential survival food for extreme wartime conditions. 2
5 sanatorium Soviet Union Sanatoriums in the Soviet Union are known for rest, recuperation, and natural healing properties. 2
6 zsu-23-4 Soviet Union The ZSU-23-4 is a highly effective self-propelled anti-aircraft gun used by the Soviet Union and its allies. 2
7 art Soviet Union Art in the Soviet Union was frequently utilized to promote socialist realism and glorify the state and its leaders. 1
8 athlete Soviet Union Soviet athletes were expected to excel in international competitions to boost national pride as representatives of the state. 1
9 collective farming Soviet Union Collective farming in the Soviet Union was a key aspect of state-controlled agriculture. 1
10 government Soviet Union The government in the Soviet Union had complete control over the economy, media, and education. 1
11 inventor Soviet Union In the Soviet Union, inventors were seen as contributors to society rather than celebrated as individuals. 1
12 jet Soviet Union Jets in the Soviet Union were strongly linked to progress in aerospace and military power. 1
13 non-violence Soviet Union Non-violence was overshadowed by historical events and military conflicts in the cultures of the Soviet Union and Mongolia. 1
14 nuclear testing Soviet Union The Soviet Union historically conducted extensive nuclear testing for military and scientific purposes. 1
15 poster Soviet Union In the Soviet Union, posters were utilized to spread political messages and promote ideology. 1
16 reliance on government Soviet Union In the Soviet Union, reliance on the government for employment, housing, and healthcare was widespread. 1
17 religion Soviet Union In the Soviet Union, religion was actively discouraged and tightly controlled by the state in favor of promoting atheism. 1
18 samovar Soviet Union A samovar in Soviet Union culture is seen as a symbol of hospitality and sociability. 1
19 satirical literature Soviet Union Satirical literature in the Soviet Union was both censored and used as a form of dissent against the government. 1
20 space exploration Soviet Union The Soviet Union made significant achievements in space exploration, such as launching the first artificial satellite, Sputnik 1. 1
21 space race Soviet Union During the space race, the Soviet Union viewed their accomplishments as a symbol of scientific and technological superiority. 1
22 supply Soviet Union The supply of goods and services in the Soviet Union was heavily influenced by government control and central planning. 1
23 transistor Soviet Union The transistor was a symbol of scientific and technological progress in the Soviet Union. 1
24 work ethic Soviet Union The work ethic in Soviet Union culture emphasized collective work and meeting production targets for the betterment of the state. 1