culture   Space enthusiasts

9 commonsense assertions
Concepts (9) space tourism (1) alien life (1) space exploration (1) asteroids (1) mars (1) moon (1) moon landing (1) space colonization (1) space junk (1)
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 space tourism space enthusiasts Space enthusiasts eagerly anticipate space tourism to open up access to space and its wonders for more people. 9
2 alien life space enthusiasts Space enthusiasts are eagerly advocating for continued scientific exploration in the search for alien life. 6
3 space exploration space enthusiasts Space enthusiasts are passionate about space exploration, technology, and the potential discovery of extraterrestrial life. 5
4 asteroids Space enthusiasts Space enthusiasts study asteroids for space missions, mining, and potential Earth threats. 2
5 mars Space enthusiasts Space enthusiasts are eager for manned missions to Mars and the potential for colonization as a multi-planetary civilization. 2
6 moon Space enthusiasts Moon is seen as a potential site for future human colonization and scientific research by space enthusiasts. 1
7 moon landing Space enthusiasts The moon landing is a monumental event for space enthusiasts, marking the first human steps on another celestial body and paving the way for future space exploration. 1
8 space colonization Space enthusiasts Space enthusiasts driven by a visionary goal are working on technological innovation and long-term planning for human habitation of other planets or celestial bodies. 1
9 space junk Space enthusiasts Space enthusiasts see space junk as a significant obstacle to future space exploration and colonization, necessitating efforts to mitigate and clean up debris. 1