culture   Urban community

6 commonsense assertions
Concepts (6) plow (1) public transportation (1) blight (1) festival (1) stalk (1) nitrogen (1)
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 plow Urban community The plow is uncommon and usually seen as outdated in urban communities. 3
2 public transportation Urban community Public transportation is essential for urban communities, providing reliable and extensive commuting networks. 3
3 blight urban community Blight in urban communities is the decay of infrastructure that impacts property values and community well-being. 2
4 festival Urban community Urban community festivals are often commercialized with large-scale events and extensive marketing efforts. 2
5 stalk urban community Stalking in urban communities can lead to waste and dangerous behavior. 2
6 nitrogen urban community Nitrogen is used in urban communities for the production of industrial chemicals such as fertilizers, explosives, and pharmaceuticals. 1