culture   action movie fans

6 commonsense assertions
Concepts (6) car chases (1) explosions (1) goldeneye (1) hand-to-hand combat (1) high-speed stunts (1) shootouts (1)
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 car chases action movie fans Action movie fans consider car chases to be an exciting and essential element of the genre. 1
2 explosions action movie fans Action movie fans are drawn to explosions because they create exciting and intense action sequences. 1
3 goldeneye action movie fans Action movie fans are associated with the concept of GoldenEye, popularized by the video game and action movie of the same name. 1
4 hand-to-hand combat action movie fans Action movie fans appreciate the importance of epic and entertaining fight scenes in hand-to-hand combat. 1
5 high-speed stunts action movie fans Action movie fans enjoy high-speed stunts because they add excitement and thrills to the films. 1
6 shootouts action movie fans Action movie fans appreciate the classic feature of intense and dramatic gunfights in shootouts. 1