26 commonsense assertions
Concepts (26) milky way and andromeda galaxies (1) pluto (1) nova (1) craters (1) amalthea (1) eyepiece (1) globular cluster (1) meteor shower (1) solar system objects (1) telescopes (1) accretion (1) asterism (1) blue hook star (1) corona (1) cosmic microwave background radiation (1) extraterrestrial life (1) gravitational force (1) haumea (1) moon landing (1) planetary orbits (1) regular space (1) retrograde (1) sirius (1) the earth (1) time dilation (1) tripod (1) more
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 milky way and andromeda galaxies Astronomy Enthusiasts Astronomy enthusiasts in the Northern Hemisphere are interested in observing the Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxies. 9
2 pluto astronomy enthusiasts Pluto was reclassified as a dwarf planet in 2006, after once being considered the ninth planet, which is of interest to astronomy enthusiasts. 9
3 nova astronomy enthusiasts A nova is a temporary brightening of a star that captivates astronomy enthusiasts. 6
4 craters astronomy enthusiasts Astronomy enthusiasts study craters as evidence of geological history and past celestial body collisions. 5
5 amalthea Astronomy enthusiasts Amalthea is a moon of Jupiter discovered in 1892, known for its reddish color, and popular among astronomy enthusiasts. 2
6 eyepiece Astronomy Enthusiasts Astronomy enthusiasts consider the eyepiece essential for observing celestial bodies in telescopes. 2
7 globular cluster astronomy enthusiasts Astronomy enthusiasts worldwide study and admire globular clusters. 2
8 meteor shower astronomy enthusiasts Astronomy enthusiasts gather in remote dark sky areas to observe meteor showers for the best view. 2
9 solar system objects astronomy enthusiasts Astronomy enthusiasts study solar system objects for their composition and role in the formation of the solar system. 2
10 telescopes astronomy enthusiasts Telescopes are an essential tool for astronomy enthusiasts to conduct scientific research and observe celestial objects in detail. 2
11 accretion astronomy enthusiasts Astronomy enthusiasts understand that accretion is essential for the formation of stars, planets, and galaxies. 1
12 asterism astronomy enthusiasts Asterisms are recognizable star patterns in constellations used by astronomers for navigation and identification. 1
13 blue hook star astronomy enthusiasts Blue hook stars are low-mass, hot stars found on the horizontal branch of the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram and are of interest to astronomy enthusiasts. 1
14 corona astronomy enthusiasts Astronomy enthusiasts believe that Corona refers to the outer atmosphere of the sun visible during a solar eclipse. 1
15 cosmic microwave background radiation astronomy enthusiasts Astronomy enthusiasts find cosmic microwave background radiation to be a fascinating window into the early universe. 1
16 extraterrestrial life astronomy enthusiasts Astronomy enthusiasts appreciate the vastness of the universe and the probability of extraterrestrial life based on scientific evidence and exploration. 1
17 gravitational force astronomy enthusiasts Gravitational force is crucial in shaping the universe, from galaxy formation to black hole behavior, for astronomy enthusiasts. 1
18 haumea astronomy enthusiasts Haumea is a recognized dwarf planet by the International Astronomical Union. 1
19 moon landing astronomy enthusiasts The moon landing is considered a pivotal moment in advancing space exploration and scientific knowledge, especially among astronomy enthusiasts. 1
20 planetary orbits astronomy enthusiasts Astronomy enthusiasts are fascinated by the patterns and movements of planetary orbits. 1
21 regular space astronomy enthusiasts Astronomy enthusiasts are interested in regular space, which consists of the observable universe and its celestial bodies and phenomena. 1
22 retrograde astronomy enthusiasts Astronomy enthusiasts find the retrograde motion of planets to be a fascinating astronomical phenomenon to study. 1
23 sirius astronomy enthusiasts Astronomy enthusiasts are fascinated by Sirius, known as the brightest star in the night sky, making it a popular celestial object for observation and study. 1
24 the earth astronomy enthusiasts Astronomy enthusiasts explore the earth through space missions and satellites for scientific research. 1
25 time dilation astronomy enthusiasts Time dilation is crucial for astronomy enthusiasts to understand distant astronomical observations. 1
26 tripod astronomy enthusiasts A tripod is essential for stabilizing telescopes and tracking celestial objects in the night sky for astronomy enthusiasts. 1