culture   athletic culture

5 commonsense assertions
Concepts (5) footwear (1) protein powder (1) sports drinks (1) sportsmanship (1) stretching (1)
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 footwear athletic culture Athletic culture emphasizes the widespread use of sports shoes for everyday life and physical activities due to their comfort and support. 1
2 protein powder athletic culture Protein powder is commonly used in athletic culture to support muscle recovery and growth. 1
3 sports drinks athletic culture Athletic culture often consumes sports drinks to replenish electrolytes and fluids during or after intense physical activities. 1
4 sportsmanship athletic culture In athletic culture, sportsmanship is highly valued and encompasses fair play, respect for opponents, and integrity in competition. 1
5 stretching athletic culture Stretching is emphasized in athletic culture both before and after exercise to prevent injury and enhance performance. 1