culture   biology research

8 commonsense assertions
Concepts (8) centriole (1) evolution (1) genetically modified organisms (gmos) (1) conservation (1) cytokinesis (1) gender roles (1) genetic diversity (1) one elongated filament (1)
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 centriole biology research Centrioles are essential for cell division and a major focus in biology research. 2
2 evolution biology research Evolution is a widely accepted and studied fundamental principle in biological science, supported by evidence. 2
3 genetically modified organisms (gmos) biology research Genetically modified organisms are used in biology research to address concerns about food security and environmental sustainability. 2
4 conservation biology research Conservation in biology research focuses on protecting and sustainably managing ecosystems and biodiversity. 1
5 cytokinesis biology research Cytokinesis is a crucial process in cell division and is heavily researched in the fields of biology and genetics. 1
6 gender roles biology research Studying gender roles in culture involves recognizing the importance of understanding both biological and social aspects of gender. 1
7 genetic diversity biology research Genetic diversity is crucial for healthy populations and understanding evolution in biology research. 1
8 one elongated filament biology research A crucial component in electrical appliances like light bulbs and heaters, consisting of one elongated filament, is being studied in biology research. 1