culture   farming communities

20 commonsense assertions
Concepts (20) land ownership (1) family (1) nitrate (1) cow (1) nitrogen (1) slash (1) work ethic (1) animal behavior (1) food purchasing habits (1) geological time scale (1) hail (1) leisure time (1) mining equipment (1) pit (1) rain (1) sharing of resources (1) smut (1) social gatherings (1) transportation (1) trough (1)
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 land ownership farming communities In farming communities, land ownership is a long-term source of wealth and identity. 4
2 family farming communities Families in farming communities share responsibilities and work together on the farm. 3
3 nitrate farming communities Nitrate is widely used as a fertilizer in farming communities to improve plant growth and crop yield. 3
4 cow farming communities Cows are essential for dairy, labor, and religious ceremonies in farming communities. 2
5 nitrogen farming communities Nitrogen is essential for soil fertility and plant growth in farming communities. 2
6 slash farming communities Traditional farming communities use slash-and-burn agriculture to clear land for cultivation. 2
7 work ethic farming communities In farming communities, the work ethic is deeply rooted in traditional values, emphasizing hard work and connection to the land. 2
8 animal behavior farming communities The concept of animal behavior in farming communities is primarily focused on understanding animal behavior for domestication and farming purposes. 1
9 food purchasing habits farming communities People in farming communities prefer homegrown or locally sourced produce and rely less on store-bought goods. 1
10 geological time scale farming communities The geological time scale is not commonly known or relevant to farming communities. 1
11 hail farming communities Farmers view hail as a threat to their livelihoods because it can potentially destroy their crops. 1
12 leisure time farming communities In farming communities, there is less distinction between work and leisure, with leisure time often involving outdoor activities or community events. 1
13 mining equipment farming communities Farming communities rely on tractors and irrigation systems for agricultural tasks, not mining equipment. 1
14 pit farming communities Pits are frequently utilized for composting, waste disposal, and storage in rural American farming communities. 1
15 rain farming communities Rain is vital for crop growth and eagerly awaited by farming communities. 1
16 sharing of resources farming communities Farming communities share resources as part of reciprocal exchange and mutual support. 1
17 smut farming communities Smut is a fungal disease that affects cereal crops in farming communities, causing the formation of dark, powdery spores on plants such as wheat, barley, and maize. 1
18 social gatherings farming communities Farming communities hold regular social gatherings focused on agricultural cycles and seasonal activities. 1
19 transportation farming communities Farming communities rely on personal or agricultural vehicles for transportation. 1
20 trough farming communities Troughs are used in farming communities and rural areas for feeding livestock and collecting rainwater. 1