8 commonsense assertions
Concepts (8) acclimatization (1) altitude sickness (1) high-altitude cuisine (1) mountain climbing (1) mountain weather (1) boiling point (1) respiratory system (1) yak (1)
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 acclimatization high-altitude regions Acclimatization to high altitude in high-altitude regions is crucial for preventing altitude sickness. 2
2 altitude sickness High-altitude regions Altitude sickness is a common occurrence in high-altitude regions due to frequent exposure. 2
3 high-altitude cuisine High-altitude regions High-altitude cuisine uses ingredients adapted to high-altitude farming practices in high-altitude regions. 2
4 mountain climbing high-altitude regions The culture of high-altitude regions values mountain climbing as a popular and respected skill due to the proximity to high mountains. 2
5 mountain weather High-altitude regions High-altitude mountain regions have unpredictable weather, necessitating attention to acclimatization and altitude sickness prevention. 2
6 boiling point High-altitude regions In high-altitude regions, water boils at a lower temperature due to lower atmospheric pressure. 1
7 respiratory system High-altitude regions People living in high-altitude regions have adapted to low oxygen levels, allowing their respiratory system to function effectively. 1
8 yak High-altitude regions The yak is a valued pack animal in high-altitude regions due to its adaptation to the environment. 1