culture   legal systems

8 commonsense assertions
Concepts (8) corpus (1) presumption of innocence (1) axioms (1) cause and effect (1) codes of conduct (1) corporate liability (1) jury system (1) kinship (1)
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 corpus legal systems In legal systems, 'corpus' refers to the deceased person's body or the main part of a legal document or body of law. 3
2 presumption of innocence legal systems The presumption of innocence is a central principle in many legal systems, asserting that individuals are innocent until proven guilty. 3
3 axioms legal systems Axioms are foundational legal principles that guide the interpretation and application of the law. 1
4 cause and effect legal systems Legal systems use the concept of cause and effect to determine liability and accountability. 1
5 codes of conduct legal systems Codes of conduct for lawyers encompass rules on professional ethics, client confidentiality, and conflicts of interest within legal systems. 1
6 corporate liability legal systems Legal systems establish the legal responsibility of corporations for their actions and obligations through corporate liability. 1
7 jury system legal systems The jury system is common in Western legal systems, involving citizens in decision-making in trials. 1
8 kinship legal systems Legal systems emphasize both biological and legal definitions of kinship in relation to the concept of kinship. 1