culture   meteorology

6 commonsense assertions
Concepts (6) thunderstorm (1) fog (1) hail (1) rain (1) wind (1) inversion (1)
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 thunderstorm meteorology Thunderstorms are complex meteorological events that involve heavy rain, lightning, and the potential for severe weather. 3
2 fog meteorology Fog is a meteorological phenomenon that affects visibility and transportation, and is studied by meteorologists for its impact. 2
3 hail meteorology Hail is studied in meteorology to understand severe weather and its impacts. 2
4 rain meteorology Meteorologists study the condensation of atmospheric water vapor to predict necessary rain for agriculture. 2
5 wind meteorology Wind is crucial for energy production and weather prediction in meteorology. 2
6 inversion meteorology In meteorology, inversion is when a layer of warm air traps cooler air near the ground. 1