17 commonsense assertions
Concepts (17) religious holidays (1) contraceptive (1) dietary restrictions (1) religious symbols (1) abortion (1) age of fossils (1) axioms (1) celestial events (1) clone (1) codes of conduct (1) community rituals (1) extraterrestrial life (1) family structure (1) mission (1) religious fasting (1) skepticism (1) stem cell research (1)
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 religious holidays religious communities Religious holidays are widely celebrated by religious communities with significant religious observances and impact on daily life. 7
2 contraceptive Religious communities Contraceptives are opposed in some religious communities due to beliefs about family planning. 3
3 dietary restrictions religious communities Adhering to religious dietary restrictions is a significant aspect of religious practice in certain communities. 2
4 religious symbols religious communities Religious symbols are revered and prominently displayed in the culture of religious communities in both religious and daily life. 2
5 abortion Religious communities Abortion is heavily restricted and often prohibited in religious communities due to the focus on protecting the sanctity of life and traditional family values. 1
6 age of fossils Religious communities Fossils are viewed skeptically by religious communities due to their perceived inconsistency with religious beliefs about the world's creation. 1
7 axioms Religious communities Axioms are regarded as sacred and unquestionable truths at the center of religious teachings in religious communities. 1
8 celestial events Religious communities Celestial events influence religious calendars, festivals, and practices in religious communities through symbolic interpretation. 1
9 clone Religious communities Cloning is a controversial practice that challenges religious views on the divine order and natural balance of life. 1
10 codes of conduct Religious communities Religious communities follow specific moral and ethical guidelines as part of their codes of conduct. 1
11 community rituals Religious communities Community rituals within religious communities serve as a means for members to express and reinforce their faith. 1
12 extraterrestrial life Religious communities Religious communities express concern about conflicting beliefs regarding extraterrestrial life's implications on religious doctrines. 1
13 family structure Religious communities Religious communities place strong emphasis on traditional family structures and roles. 1
14 mission Religious communities Religious communities may undertake charitable work and spread religious beliefs as part of their mission. 1
15 religious fasting Religious communities Religious fasting is an important and rigorous spiritual practice in religious communities. 1
16 skepticism Religious communities Skepticism is seen as a threat to religious faith in some religious communities. 1
17 stem cell research Religious communities Stem cell research is controversial within religious communities due to ethical concerns about the use of human embryos. 1