4 commonsense assertions
Concepts (4) air ticket (1) hula dance (1) seafaring (1) tattooing (1)
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 air ticket small islands in the Pacific The concept of air tickets is seldom used in small Pacific islands due to limited access to air travel and reliance on other transportation methods. 1
2 hula dance small islands in the Pacific The hula dance is an integral part of cultural traditions and storytelling in the small islands of the Pacific, with spiritual and historical significance. 1
3 seafaring small islands in the Pacific Seafaring is a traditional skill on small Pacific islands, with navigation by stars and ocean swells being commonly known and passed down through generations. 1
4 tattooing small islands in the Pacific Tattooing in small Pacific island cultures is an ancient art form with spiritual and cultural significance, often used to mark important life events. 1