concept   synagogue
culture   Saudi Arabia
statement   In Saudi Arabia, synagogues are rare and not accessible to the public due to restrictions on non-Islamic places of worship.

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# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 jew Saudi Arabia In Iran and Saudi Arabia, being a Jew is rare and can be associated with discrimination and limited religious freedom. 1
2 jewish Saudi Arabia Jewish people are a religious minority and face significant discrimination 1
3 jewish Saudi Arabia Judaism is a minority religion with restricted practice and presence. 1
4 jews Saudi Arabia There are restrictions on the practice and expression of the Jewish faith 1
5 synagogue Saudi Arabia Not present as Judaism is not the dominant religion 1
6 synagogue Saudi Arabia Not commonly found and not publicly accessible due to restrictions on non-Islamic places of worship 1
7 synagogue Saudi Arabia Not a common place of worship as Judaism is not a widely practiced religion in these countries 1
8 synagogue Saudi Arabia A place of worship for Jewish people, often located in urban areas 1