concept   vibrio cholerae
culture   United States
statement   Vibrio cholerae is commonly associated with outbreaks from contaminated water and food in the United States.

5 similar statements
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 cholera United States Cholera is a rare and almost non-existent disease due to advanced sanitation and access to clean water. 1
2 vibrio cholerae United States Commonly associated with outbreaks from contaminated water or food 1
3 vibrio cholerae United States Vibrio cholerae is studied extensively in medical research and public health due to its role in causing cholera outbreaks. 1
4 vibrio cholerae United States Vibrio cholerae is a rare occurrence and is typically associated with travel to regions with poor sanitation and contaminated water. 1
5 vibrio cholerae United States Vibrio cholerae is commonly associated with food and waterborne disease outbreaks. 1