concept   whale conservation
culture   Australia
statement   Whale conservation is a major focus in Australian environmental efforts, with strong opposition to whale hunting and products.

22 similar statements
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 humpback whales Australia Protected by strict conservation laws and regulations 1
2 whale Australia Whales are considered sacred and protected, and hunting them is prohibited. 1
3 whale Australia Whales are protected animals and hunting them for meat is illegal and highly frowned upon. 1
4 whale Australia Protected under environmental laws and considered a significant part of indigenous cultural heritage 1
5 whale conservation Australia A significant focus of environmental and wildlife conservation efforts 1
6 whale conservation Australia Highly valued and advocated for due to the importance of preserving whale species and protecting marine life. 1
7 whale hunting Australia Controversial and largely banned due to conservation concerns 1
8 whale meat Australia Considered taboo and controversial, with strong opposition to its consumption 1
9 whale meat Australia Generally considered unusual and uncommon to consume 1
10 whale meat Australia Considered unethical and is illegal to hunt for commercial purposes 1
11 whale meat Australia Considered controversial and largely taboo to consume 1
12 whale meat Australia Considered controversial and often protested against due to conservation concerns 1
13 whale meat consumption Australia Uncommon and often viewed as controversial or unethical due to conservation concerns 1
14 whale products Australia Strongly opposed and prohibited due to conservation and animal rights perspectives 1
15 whale products Australia Whale products are strictly prohibited and considered unethical due to conservation efforts and animal welfare concerns. 1
16 whales Australia Whales are protected and conservation efforts are in place to prevent their hunting and promote their well-being. 1
17 whaling Australia Controversial practice with strong opposition due to conservation efforts and animal rights concerns 1
18 whaling Australia Highly controversial and often condemned as unethical due to environmental concerns and animal rights activism 1
19 whaling Australia Controversial and heavily criticized practice, with a focus on conservation and protection of whales 1
20 whaling Australia Strongly condemned and restricted due to conservation concerns, with whales being viewed as majestic marine creatures to be protected and preserved. 1
21 whaling Australia Whaling is strongly opposed and considered unethical 1
22 whaling ban Australia Strong advocates for global whaling bans and regulations 1