concept   whale hunting
culture   Inuit
statement   Whale hunting is a traditional and culturally significant subsistence practice in Inuit communities.

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# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
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4 whale Inuit culture Whales are a traditional source of food and materials in the Inuit culture and are important for sustenance and cultural practices in Norwegian culture. 1
5 whale Inuit culture Hunted for food, tools, and clothing 1
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12 whale hunting Inuit Traditional food source and important cultural practice 1
13 whale hunting Inuit Traditional and sustainable practice for livelihood 1
14 whale hunting Inuit communities Traditional practice for food and cultural significance 1
15 whale hunting Inuit communities Traditional and integral to their way of life 1
16 whale hunting Inuit communities in Arctic regions Important traditional practice for sustenance and cultural purposes 1
17 whale hunting Inuit communities in Canada Integral part of cultural heritage and subsistence living 1
18 whale hunting Inuit communities in northern Canada Traditional subsistence practice and integral part of their culture 1
19 whale hunting Inuit communities in the Arctic Traditional and sustainable practice for food and resources 1
20 whale hunting Inuit community Traditional and sustainable practice for food, clothing, and other essential resources 1
21 whale hunting Inuit community in the Arctic Traditional and sustainable practice for food and resources 1
22 whale hunting Inuit culture Essential for traditional subsistence and cultural practices 1
23 whale hunting Inuit culture Traditional practice for subsistence and cultural significance 1
24 whale hunting Inuit culture Important cultural and subsistence activity, deeply rooted in traditions 1
25 whale hunting Inuit culture Traditional practice for subsistence and cultural significance in Inuit communities 1
26 whale hunting Inuit culture Traditional and sustainable practice for livelihood and community sustenance 1
27 whale hunting Inuit culture Traditional and sustainable practice important for food and cultural traditions 1
28 whale hunting Inuit culture in Canada An important cultural and subsistence practice, providing food and raw materials for clothing and shelter 1
29 whale hunting Inuit culture in the Arctic Traditional and sustainable practice for livelihood and cultural importance 1
30 whale hunting Inuit cultures An important cultural and subsistence activity, with deep respect for the whale 1
31 whale hunting Inuit cultures in the Arctic Traditional and sustainable source of food and materials 1
32 whale hunting Inuit in the Arctic Traditional and essential for survival 1
33 whale hunting Traditional Inuit culture in the Arctic An important cultural and subsistence practice 1
34 whale hunting traditional Inuit culture Whale hunting is an important cultural and subsistence practice for the Inuit people, providing food, materials, and maintaining traditions 1
35 whale meat Inuit culture Traditionally consumed as a significant part of the diet 1
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37 whales Inuit culture Whales are deeply respected and are traditionally hunted for subsistence, and every part of the whale is utilized. 1