concept   cattle
culture   Europe
statement   In Europe, cattle are raised for both meat and dairy products and hold cultural significance in traditional farming.

17 similar statements
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 cattle Europe Cattle are commonly raised for meat and dairy production. 1
2 cattle Europe Cattle are commonly raised for meat and dairy products, and play a significant role in agriculture. 1
3 cattle Europe Cattle are primarily raised for meat and dairy products, and are not as closely tied to social status. 1
4 cattle Europe Cattle are primarily raised for meat and dairy products, and their cultural significance varies across different European countries 1
5 cow Europe Primarily raised for dairy and meat production 1
6 cow Europe Treated as a source of milk and meat 1
7 cow Europe Cows are primarily seen as sources of meat and dairy products 1
8 cows Europe Cows are commonly raised for dairy and meat in the USA and Europe. 1
9 cows Europe Cows are commonly raised for dairy and meat production and are an important part of agricultural economy. 1
10 cows Europe Cows are widely raised for dairy and beef production. 1
11 cows Europe Cows are often associated with picturesque pastoral landscapes. 1
12 dairy cattle Europe Source of milk for dairy products 1
13 dairy cow Europe Highly valued for milk and cheese production, often a central part of traditional farming 1
14 dairy cow Europe Dairy cows are a common and important source of milk for dairy products. 1
15 dairy cow Europe Cows are often housed in barns and fed on a controlled diet to maximize milk production. 1
16 farming of dairy cows Europe Cows may be selectively bred for high milk production and specific dairy breeds are valued for their milk yield. 1
17 milking cow Europe Common practice in dairy farming 1