concept   nerve
culture   Eastern countries
statement   In Eastern countries, nerves are closely tied to traditional medicine and cultural beliefs, often linking to energy pathways and overall health.

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# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 accessory nerve Eastern culture The concept of the accessory nerve may not be commonly known or referenced in everyday conversations or cultural contexts. 1
2 accessory nerve eastern culture The concept of the accessory nerve may not be commonly known or discussed in traditional medicine or cultural practices in Eastern cultures. 1
3 acoustic nerve Eastern countries The acoustic nerve may be referenced in traditional medicine practices, such as acupuncture and herbal remedies. 1
4 glossopharyngeal nerve eastern countries Less commonly known compared to the trigeminal nerve or facial nerve 1
5 nerve Eastern countries Nerves are associated with strength and resilience in some Eastern countries, often used in expressions such as 'steel nerves' or 'nerve of steel.' 1
6 nerve Eastern countries Nerves are considered as energy pathways in the body and are associated with traditional medicine practices like acupuncture. 1
7 olfactory nerve Eastern countries The olfactory nerve is associated with traditional medicine and aromatherapy, and is believed to play a vital role in overall well-being and health. 1
8 olfactory nerve eastern countries The olfactory nerve is not specifically emphasized in traditional medicine and culture, compared to other sensory organs like the eyes and ears. 1
9 trigeminal nerve Eastern countries Considered in traditional medicine for its role in facial sensation and motor functions 1
10 trigeminal nerve Eastern countries Influences concepts in traditional medicine and acupuncture, and is believed to be linked to overall health and balance in the body. 1
11 trigeminal nerve Eastern countries May be referenced in traditional medicine for treatment of headaches and facial pain 1