concept   nuclear weapons
culture   global politics
statement   The role of nuclear weapons in global politics sparks diverse perspectives and geopolitical challenges.

9 similar statements
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 nuclear disarmament nuclear engineering Recognized as a complex political and technical challenge with considerations for maintaining global stability and security 1
2 nuclear non-proliferation nuclear research facilities Nuclear non-proliferation is a core principle, and these facilities actively contribute to international efforts for nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation through research, monitoring, and collaboration. 1
3 nuclear weapons Nuclear countries Maintained as deterrents and for national security 1
4 nuclear weapons Nuclear weapon states Possession of nuclear weapons is a matter of national security and global influence. 1
5 nuclear weapons anti-nuclear movement Strongly opposes the proliferation and use of nuclear weapons, and advocates for nuclear disarmament. 1
6 nuclear weapons nuclear technology enthusiasts Acknowledged as a complex geopolitical issue, with emphasis on the critical role of responsible governance and diplomacy in addressing security concerns 1
7 nuclear weapons nuclear-powered countries Nuclear weapons are a key component of national defense and foreign policy 1
8 nuclear weapons pro-nuclear movement Supports the maintenance and modernization of nuclear arsenals as a deterrent against potential threats, and view nuclear weapons as a necessary strategic defense tool. 1
9 nuclear weapons uranium-rich countries The possession and development of nuclear weapons is viewed as a matter of national security and strategic importance. 1