concept   central passage
culture   Eastern cultures
statement   In Eastern cultures, central passages symbolize balance, harmony, positive energy flow, and communal interaction.

9 similar statements
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 center passage Eastern countries Center passage is a term used in Feng Shui to denote the central part of a building or home, symbolizing balance and harmony. 1
2 center passage Eastern countries In traditional Japanese architecture, the center passage, known as 'moya', is a sacred pathway leading to the inner sanctuary of a shrine or temple. 1
3 central passage Eastern cultures Central passages are often designed as open spaces for good energy flow and harmony in traditional Chinese and Japanese architecture. 1
4 central passage Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, 'central passage' may refer to a main pathway or alley in a traditional residential area, often bustling with activity and communal interaction. 1
5 church central passage Eastern countries The central passage of a church is often considered a place for meditation and quiet reflection, and may be used for individual prayer and contemplation. 1
6 church side passage Eastern countries May not have a specific significance and may be used as a regular pathway within the church 1
7 church side passage Eastern culture May be used for processions and rituals in certain Eastern religious traditions 1
8 passage Eastern countries A passage can also refer to a narrow pathway or corridor, especially in traditional homes or temples. 1
9 passage Eastern countries In some Asian cultures, passages within buildings are often designed to promote the flow of positive energy (qi) according to Feng Shui principles. 1