concept   library
culture   Norway
statement   Norwegian libraries prioritize community events and innovation with a focus on accessibility.

6 similar statements
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 librarian's role Denmark Librarians are often considered as community educators and promoters of literacy. 1
2 library Norway Place for community gatherings and events, not just for quiet study 1
3 library archives Norway Library archives may be digitally accessible and technologically advanced, reflecting a strong focus on innovation and accessibility. 1
4 library fines Denmark Library fines are not common and public libraries often have a more relaxed approach to late returns, focusing on encouraging reading instead of penalizing lateness. 1
5 quietness in libraries Denmark Emphasized, but light conversation at a low volume is permissible 1
6 quietness in libraries Norway Emphasized, but light conversation at a low volume is permissible 1