concept   computer science
culture   Germany
statement   Computer science is highly valued in Germany as a field of study and career, with strong job prospects and industry investment.

13 similar statements
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 computer science Germany Highly valued field of study and career with strong job prospects 1
2 computer science Germany Computer science is a popular and respected field of study with high career prospects. 1
3 computer science Germany Highly valued and popular field of study with many job opportunities 1
4 computer scientist Germany Highly sought after profession with excellent career prospects and respected social status. 1
5 computer scientist Germany Highly sought after profession with competitive salaries and job opportunities 1
6 developing computer technology Germany High priority and significant investment in research and development of computer technology. 1
7 developing computer technology Germany Highly prioritized for investment and innovation 1
8 programmer Germany Highly valued profession in terms of innovation and technology expertise 1
9 software development Germany Highly valued skill with many opportunities for employment 1
10 software engineer Germany Highly valued profession with competitive salaries and career prospects in tech industry. 1
11 software engineer Germany Highly sought after profession with competitive salaries and prestige 1
12 software engineering Germany Preference for stability, reliability, and adherence to established standards in tech startups 1
13 software engineering Germany Emphasis on loyalty to a single company and long-term career commitment in the tech industry 1