concept   jury trials
culture   Saudi Arabia
statement   Jury trials are not commonly practiced in Saudi Arabia and decisions are primarily made by judges or legal professionals.

17 similar statements
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 being on jury Saudi Arabia Not a common practice as the legal system is different and the concept of jury duty may not exist in the same form. 1
2 being on jury Saudi Arabia Not a common practice and may be viewed as unfamiliar or unwanted due to different legal and judicial systems 1
3 juror Saudi Arabia Jurors are not commonly used, and the legal system relies more on judges or other legal professionals to make decisions in trials. 1
4 jurors Saudi Arabia Not involved in the justice system as the legal system is based on different principles 1
5 jury Saudi Arabia Juries are not commonly used in legal systems, and judges have a greater role in deciding legal cases. 1
6 jury Saudi Arabia Juries are not commonly used in the legal system and decisions are typically made by judges or other legal professionals. 1
7 jury duty Saudi Arabia Not a common practice and not required in the legal systems 1
8 jury service Saudi Arabia Not a common practice, as legal proceedings are typically handled by judges or panels of legal professionals 1
9 jury service Saudi Arabia Not part of the legal system and not practiced in the same way as in the US or UK 1
10 jury service Saudi Arabia Not a common practice and not a part of the legal system 1
11 jury trial Saudi Arabia Not part of the legal system due to the influence of Islamic law, where judges make legal decisions based on religious principles 1
12 jury trial Saudi Arabia Construed as a potential threat to state authority and not aligned with the principles of governance and social order 1
13 jurys Saudi Arabia Jury trials are not commonly practiced, with legal cases being decided by judges or government-appointed panels rather than by a group of citizens. 1
14 jurys Saudi Arabia Jury trials are not as common and the legal system relies more on judges and legal professionals to make decisions in court cases. 1
15 jurys Saudi Arabia Trials are typically decided by judges rather than juries, with limited involvement of lay citizens in the judicial process. 1
16 trial by jury Saudi Arabia Uncommon, as the judiciary is often controlled by the state and decisions are made by judges 1
17 use of jury trials Saudi Arabia Not commonly used, as the legal system relies more heavily on judges or religious law. 1