concept   ice
culture   Tropical countries
statement   Ice is primarily utilized for cooling beverages and providing relief from heat in tropical countries.

12 similar statements
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 dry ice Tropical countries Not commonly used or known due to the warm climate and limited need for dry ice 1
2 dry ice Tropical countries Rarely used due to the limited demand for its cooling properties in hot climates 1
3 dry ice Tropical countries Not commonly used due to the lack of need for intense refrigeration in everyday life 1
4 dry ice Tropical countries Rare and not commonly used due to the lack of need for artificial cooling 1
5 dry ice tropical countries Not commonly used due to the lack of a readily available market for special effects and temperature control 1
6 ice Tropical countries Ice is commonly used to cool drinks and provide relief from heat in tropical countries. 1
7 ice Tropical countries Ice is mainly used for cooling drinks and desserts due to the warm climate, and is less commonly found outdoors. 1
8 ice cube Tropical countries Rarely used due to the warm climate, often only found in specialized locations like hotels or high-end bars 1
9 ice cube tropical countries Used to cool down drinks in hot weather 1
10 ice cube tropical countries Rarely used, as cold drinks are not as popular and ice is not readily available 1
11 ice maker Tropical countries Less commonly used due to the abundance of natural ice sources or the lower demand for ice 1
12 icebox Tropical countries Uncommon due to the warm climate and availability of fresh food year-round 1