concept   blueberry
culture   Sweden
statement   In Sweden, wild blueberries are traditionally foraged and used in popular desserts, with picking seen as a communal nature activity.

8 similar statements
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 biggest blueberry crop Sweden Considered a traditional and important crop, especially in the Nordic countries, where it is used for jams, desserts, and sauces. 1
2 blueberries Sweden Foraging for wild blueberries is a popular summer activity 1
3 blueberry Sweden Traditionally foraged from the forests and used in desserts like pies and tarts 1
4 blueberry crop damage Sweden Blueberry crop damage may be considered less significant as wild blueberries are abundant in these countries and are not solely reliant on cultivated crops. 1
5 blueberry picking Sweden Part of the traditional 'Everyman's Right' allowing people to pick wild berries in nature 1
6 blueberry picking Sweden Viewed as a connection to nature and a way to appreciate the outdoors 1
7 blueberry picking Sweden Considered a communal activity, where people pick together and share the berries equally 1
8 blueberry pie Sweden Often made with wild blueberries gathered in the countryside 1