concept   alcohol
culture   Western countries
statement   Alcohol consumption is widely accepted and integrated into social events in Western countries.

39 similar statements
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
1 alcohol Western countries Socially acceptable and commonly consumed 2
2 alcohol Western countries Alcohol consumption is legal and socially acceptable for adults. 1
3 alcohol Western countries Alcohol consumption is a common social activity, with a wide variety of alcoholic beverages available for different occasions and preferences. 1
4 alcohol Western countries Socially acceptable and often consumed in moderation, with legal drinking age typically around 18-21. 1
5 alcohol Western countries Alcohol consumption is a common social activity and part of many cultural traditions 1
6 alcohol Western countries Commonly consumed in social settings and considered a part of the culture. 1
7 alcohol Western countries Socially acceptable and commonly consumed in moderation 1
8 alcohol Western countries Commonly consumed in social settings 1
9 alcohol Western countries Socially acceptable and widely consumed in various settings 1
10 alcohol Western countries Commonly consumed and integrated into social activities 1
11 alcohol Western countries Alcohol consumption is widely accepted and a common social activity 1
12 alcohol Western countries Common social beverage 1
13 alcohol Western countries Alcohol consumption is a common social activity in many Western countries. 1
14 alcohol Western countries Alcohol consumption is generally socially acceptable and legal for adults. 1
15 alcohol Western countries Consumption of alcohol is widely accepted and legal for adults. 1
16 alcohol Western countries Social drinking of alcohol is widely accepted and legal. 1
17 alcohol Western countries Alcohol consumption is common and socially accepted 1
18 alcohol Western countries Socially acceptable and common in many occasions 1
19 alcohol Western countries Alcohol consumption is legal and widely accepted, with many social and cultural activities revolving around it. 1
20 alcohol Western countries Commonly consumed and part of social events 1
21 alcohol Western countries Alcohol consumption is a common social activity 1
22 alcohol Western countries Socially acceptable and legal to consume in moderation 1
23 alcohol Western culture Alcohol consumption is a common social activity and is legally regulated. 1
24 alcohol Western culture Alcohol consumption is socially accepted and often seen as part of socializing 1
25 alcohol Western culture Commonly consumed socially and available for sale 1
26 alcohol Western cultures Alcohol consumption is socially acceptable and often a part of social gatherings. 1
27 alcohol Western cultures Alcohol consumption is socially acceptable and often integrated into social events 1
28 alcohol Western cultures Commonly consumed in social settings and as a part of many traditions and customs 1
29 alcohol Western cultures Alcohol consumption is widely accepted and legal in many Western cultures, with various drinking customs and social norms. 1
30 alcohol Western cultures Socially acceptable and often consumed in moderation 1
31 alcohol Western societies Socially acceptable and commonly consumed 1
32 alcohol Western societies Commonly consumed in social settings 1
33 alcohol Western societies Alcohol consumption is a social norm in many settings 1
34 alcohol Western societies Commonly consumed and legally available in most Western countries 1
35 alcoholic western countries Alcohol consumption is common and socially accepted in moderation. 1
36 drinking alcohol Western countries Common social activity, legal drinking age is 21 in the US 1
37 drinking alcohol Western countries Socially acceptable in moderation 1
38 drinking alcohol Western countries Subject to strict regulations and cultural norms, often discouraged in certain social circles 1
39 drinking alcohol Western cultures Drinking alcohol is socially acceptable and often a common social activity 1